Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru
Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru

Gauze and rice rice ball pillow|Ronde Ecru

Regular price ¥429.00 CNY

Regular price Sale price ¥429.00 CNY
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※生地の色はお使いのパソコンーモニタ、携帯電話のメーカーや機種、 画面設定により、実際の商品の色とは異なって見える場合がございます。予めご了承ください。

  • Design


  • Size
  • Material

    枕本体側地:綿100%オーガニックコットン、中身:米(砕米・資源米など非食用米)51%、ポリプロピレン49% 中空状パイプ

  • Country


  • Precautions


  • Shipping


    10,000 円(税込)以上
    ただし 沖縄及び離島と山間部等は600円

    宅急便600円( 本州、北海道、四国、九州)
    ただし 沖縄及び離島と山間部等は1,200円


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